How to Set Up Your Kids for Educational Success in 2024

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, the inevitable return to school once winter break is over is often pushed to the very back of our minds. Transitioning from leisurely holiday breaks to a structured classroom routine can be a significant adjustment for children. With the dip in recent academic performance scores, emphasizing the importance of adopting effective strategies to help students smoothly navigate this shift is top of mind.

3 Ways to help students in special education

There a number of reasons why a child may need to attend a special education program at school. Special education can help learners who struggle with developmental delays, such as dyspraxia or apraxia of speech, and/or children who experience challenges with literacy and numeracy because of a specific learning difference.

20 Best Math Board Games to Enhance Your Kid’s Math Abilities

Did you know that board games can do more than just entertain? According to a comprehensive review of research spanning 23 years, math board games, such as Monopoly, Othello, and Chutes and Ladders, significantly enhance mathematical abilities in young children. This groundbreaking study, published in the journal Early Years, reveals that children aged 3 to 9 who engage in number-based board games improve in areas like counting, addition, and recognizing numerical values.

Strategies For Teaching Children With Learning Disabilities

Are you a parent or teacher with students who have learning differences? Children with ADHD, reading disabilities, dyslexia and other disorders can experience more struggle than their peers. They may have difficulty performing tasks, focusing on lessons, remembering concepts and adapting to changing routines.

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Fortunately, you can help students who are struggling. Here’s how to support a child with learning difficulties in school.

Tips and tools for helping kids with their homework (but not doing it for them!)

It must be the time of year for it because recently many readers have asked questions on how to help kids with their homework. With only two kids in school now (year 8 and year 10) I really don’t do a lot of helping with homework. I actually don’t do anything at all with the year 10 child other than answer questions if he has any and remind him occasionally to monotask – not try and listen to podcasts etc, while doing homework! With the year 8 child it isn’t so much as helping with the homework but helping him be better organised with how he approaches his homework and study.

Four Gateway Books for Reluctant Readers

Are your students out of the habit of reading “real” books? I have noticed that although many of my own students are flat-out thrilled to be back in the classroom, some have been dragging their heels when it comes to good, old-fashioned, printed-page literature. It makes sense; after a year and a half (or more) of working on laptops with the newest apps and educational games, it can be a jarring transition back to books, pencils, and paper. While there’s always an element of the reluctant reader syndrome in our classrooms, I and many of my colleagues are finding it particularly difficult this school year to guide our reluctant readers back into a great book.

Tips and Tricks for Parents from a Special Education Teacher

My eyes were recently opened to a new education law in some states that allows teachers to educate while taking courses to become a teacher. This is an example of the drastic measures states are having to take to fill the educator spots in their districts. Why? Because there is a serious shortage of teachers due to a very high rate of teachers leaving the classroom, especially special education teachers.

10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader

Parents are a child’s first teacher, and there are many simple things you can do every day to share the joy of reading while strengthening your child’s literacy skills.